Ladies Day with Complimentary Bra Fittings by Renowned NORDSTROM Bra Fitting Professionals

The bra fittings will be at Troy Richard Salon 1pm - 4pm. There will be NORDSTROM Certified bra fitting professionals and fashion consultants at Troy Richard Salon showing off all the gorgeous new bra styles and lingerie lines as well as a NORDSTROM prosthetic fitter, for those faced with or are going through treatment for cancer.
NORDSTROM also offers a full selection of mastectomy products and prosthesis bras, including more than 100 different sizes from your favorite brands.
This will be an afternoon where you can spend a moment learning from Dr. Sarah Samaan, MD, FACC. In her practice Dr. Samaan focuses on preventative heart care and how people can help themselves avoid heart problems through diet, exercise and controlling blood pressure and cholesterol. Many of her patients seek her out because of her focus on prevention. She is the author of The Smart Woman’s Guide to Heart Health, published by Brown Books. Look inside the book at
Get answers about heart health that have not been answered adequately by traditional cardiology and learn the facts about women's heart health:
- Heart Disease Prevention, and how to take care of your health.
- Get the 7 Steps to Help Keep a Heart Healthy Lifestyle
- Heart disease is on the rise for women under the age of 55.
- Heart Disease kills 8 times as many women as breast cancer.
We hope to see you at Troy Richard Salon on Monday, May 3, 2010 for Ladies Day! 1pm - 4pm with Guest Speaker Dr. Sarah Samaan 1pm - 2pm
Love your look.
The Smart Woman’s Guide to Heart Health
Legacy Heart Center
Labels: bar fitting, cancer, certified bra fitters, fashion consultants, frisco hair salons, heart health, ladies, ladies day, lingerie, nordstrom, smart woman, super doctor, texas monthly